Does digitalization matter in green preferences in nexus of output volatility and environmental quality? | |
Stock markets dynamics and environmental pollution: emerging issues and policy options in Asia | |
Volatility in natural resources prices and economic performance: Evidence from BRICS economies | |
The effects of MDR-TB Treatment Regimens through Socioeconomic and Spatial characteristics on Environmental-Health Outcomes: Evidence from Chinese Hospitals
| |
A bibliometric analysis of academic literacy: a review of the state of the art, from the past to the future | |
The Economic Consequences of the Loan Guarantees and Firm’s Performance: A Moderate Role of Corporate Social Responsibility | |
The role of technological innovation in environmental pollution, energy consumption and sustainable economic growth: Evidence from South Asian economies | |
Does digitalization matter in green preferences in nexus of output volatility and environmental quality?
Stock markets dynamics and environmental pollution: emerging issues and policy options in Asia
Volatility in natural resources prices and economic performance: Evidence from BRICS economies
The effects of MDR-TB Treatment Regimens through Socioeconomic and Spatial characteristics on Environmental-Health Outcomes: Evidence from Chinese Hospitals
A bibliometric analysis of academic literacy: a review of the state of the art, from the past to the future
The Economic Consequences of the Loan Guarantees and Firm’s Performance: A Moderate Role of Corporate Social Responsibility
The role of technological innovation in environmental pollution, energy consumption and sustainable economic growth: Evidence from South Asian economies